Andy Carpenter - Carpenter/Partitioner

Contact Information

Tel: 0333 207 0339

Job Role

As a carpenter by name and carpenter by nature, I work across a variety of projects,and oversee the other trades onsite.

The Best Thing About Working at JBH Refurbishments

No day and no job is ever the same.


I’m partial to a glass of wine.



What’s Your Dream?

To build my own home.

Favourite Song

On Rivival Dog by Larom Baker.

Know How

Thinking About User Experience (UX) When It Comes To Kent and London Office Design

UX office design is a process which looks to improve the user experience within an office environment enabling staff to work effectively while providing them with a workplace they can look forward to working in.

Kent and London Office Design Can Boost Employee Engagement

Find out how Kent and London office design can provide an engaging office environment which is vital when it comes to staff satisfaction, performance and business success.