Office Graffiti And Street Art Wall Murals

Want to stand out from the crowd? Why not commission a modern art piece as part of your office refurbishment? We’re talking office graffiti street art.

There are many misconceptions about graffiti, but there is far more to this art movement than meets the eye.

Graffiti and Street Art for Your Business

Originating from an urban youth culture, some associate graffiti with vandalism, but street art is fast becoming a respectable art movement, one that is versatile and bespoke to the end client and can inject life into the most mediocre offices and commercial spaces.

Councils in the UK are even adopting a scheme to encourage graffiti programmes in a controlled environment for young people of all backgrounds. This in turn is developing a whole new generation of artists, who live, breathe and eat street art. Their pure passion for the art form is inspirational and can easily be adopted by the modern business in its interiors and exteriors to set it apart from any other office fit out.

Make Your Brand Last with Office Graffiti

Here, at JBH Refurbishments, we create office interiors that are designed to inspire and leave a lasting impression. Every commercial interior refurbishment should portray a company’s brand and leave a lasting impression on all their visitors. What better way to do this than commission a striking piece of art / office graffiti that instantly instils your brand’s ethos into the hearts of all your visitors.

Graffiti or street art is no longer solely associated with tags and the retro lettering. There is far more to this art form, with various styles that can be achieved any office, school, shop, or warehouse inside or out. To help you decide what style graffiti most suits your business, we explain each form in more detail below…

Traditional Graffiti

Traditional Graffiti art is the retro style that most people associate with graffiti. This style of graffiti mostly entails lettering. It is perfect for offices that want to be associated with key messages or offer words of empowerment to it employees.

Taditional graffiti showing a beat box.
Streey art with colourful letters.

Street Art

Street Art is a combination of lettering and images. Usually this form of graffiti involves taking an image of something real or a famous portrait, adding a twist or distorting the image and combining it with lettering, which could be humorous or provide an important message.

If your business is associated with imagery, street art will depict your business in your office perfectly. It can be as detailed as you like. However, we suggest you consider the size of your office. For a small office its best to keep it simple, you want your visitors to be able stand from enough of a distance to take it all in. But, for a large space there are no limits.

Shape Graffiti

Shape Graffiti such as geometric forms can be used to decorate a space and really make it original. The colours, shapes, shading, size and details will be designed to your liking. You will not find a wallpaper, or large enough picture that can provide the same impact. This style is suited to any size office.

Shape graffiti with multiple shapes in different colours.
Abstract street art of an eye.

Abstract Street Art

Abstract Street Art is extremely impactful and decorative for any area within an office, school or similar commercial property. Abstract street art can still incorporate images and lettering, but in a more fluid form.

Photo Reel Graffiti

Photo Reel Graffiti is a carbon copy of a real-life photograph, cartoon or landscape image, but in a far larger format. Take your favourite photograph for example, say you want it exactly as it is on a wall, but the picture is too small to blow up that large for print. With photo reel graffiti we can replicate that image exactly as it is, with all the detail, but on a much larger scale.

Graffiti image of the Eiffel Tower.
Mixed style graffiti of a car coming though  a wall.

Mixed Style Graffiti

Mixed graffiti is a combination of all the above. This style is most popular of all street art. Mixed graffiti takes lettering, imagery, abstract art and photo reel graffiti and morphs it together to create a stunning wall mural for the inside of a building or externally.

Urban Look

The industrial and urban theme is an extremely popular look for a contemporary office refurbishment London.

The traditional retro street art is commonly associated with this style, although abstract graffiti and mixed can compliment the theme as well.

For London businesses that want to portray a contemporary brand, this is a very achievable bespoke look that cannot be replicated in any other office fit out.

Urban style graffiti with the word Music.

Graffiti Wall Murals Internal and External

Graffiti wall murals can be created on both internal and external walls. Depending on how bigger impact you want to make as part of your office refurbishment.

For maximum impact, use graffiti street art in your reception, corridors, meeting rooms, stairwells and the main office area. These are the areas that your visitors will pay most attention. For external street art, you may need to seek permission from the landlord, neigbours or even the council, depending on your location.

The wall mural can be designed to your specification, colours and style and your graffiti artist will discuss the concept with you to ensure the desired look is achieved.

How Much Will My Office Graffiti Cost?

For commissioned artwork by a real artist, graffiti can be a surprisingly affordable method of decorating a commercial interior or exterior. Each project is individually priced and depends heavily on what detail is required, as apposed the space it covers. On average a commissioned piece can take anything from half a day to three days or more.

Contact JBH Refurbishments

JBH Refurbishments can offer office graffiti wall murals as part of any office fit out or commercial refurbishment in London, Kent, Surrey and Sussex. For more information about our interior fit out services, please contact the JBH team.

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