In today’s modern office collaboration often plays an important role. In fact, according to a number of studies companies that implement collaborative workspaces see improvements in workplace performance.
Collaboration Is Key
A Stanford study “Cues of working together fuel intrinsic motivation” found that “participants exposed to cues of working together persisted [64%] longer on a challenging task, expressed greater interest in and enjoyment of the task, required less self-regulatory effort to persist on the task, became more engrossed in and performed better on the task and when encouraged to link this motivation to their values and self-concept, chose to do more related tasks in an unconnected setting 1–2 weeks later. The results of the study suggest that cues of working together can inspire intrinsic motivation, turning work into play.”
Deloitte’s survey “The Collaborative Economy” established that when employees collaborate they “work 15% faster, on average; 73% do better work; 60% are innovative; and 56% are more satisfied.” The survey also found that businesses with a collaborative strategy are “twice as likely to outgrow their competitors; and more likely to improve their profit.”
Research by Zippia on “35+ Compelling Workplace Collaboration Statistics [2023]: The Importance Of Teamwork” found compelling statistics on the power of collaboration in the workplace including when staff collaborate there is a 50% reduction of employee turnover rates, 50% more effectiveness in completing tasks, an increase in company sales of 27%, 5x better performance rates, a 30% increase in innovation and a significant reduction in burnout and work-related stress.
According to Knight Frank, since the lockdown, research has shown that businesses across the world are eager to return to in-person collaboration.” When asked in a LinkedIn poll “What are you most looking forward to about returning to the office?” of 811 respondents 62% listed in-person collaboration as their top priority.
The Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp) and Rob Cross, Edward A. Madden Professor of Global Business at Babson College studied more than 1100 companies and established that high performance companies understand the importance of collaboration and as a consequence were 5.5x more likely to incentivise collaboration.
Benefits of Collaborative Workspaces
You’ll have heard of the term “two heads are better than one” and “a problem shared is a problem halved” which alludes to the fact that when two people work together they are more likely to find a solution to a problem than they are if they were to work alone. Clearly the studies and research above show that encouraging collaboration in the workplace is beneficial to a business. Collaboration brings with it many benefits and advantages some of which are outlined below:
Time Saving
Working with others can very often save time as you eliminate duplicated efforts. Staff experience will also vary and staff with more experience in certain tasks will be able to deliberate and problem solve faster. By collaborating newer staff will also be able to move forward faster as they will be learning and incorporating new information into the next task they undertake.
Ideas and Innovation
When you bring people together with a range of expertise, skills, and viewpoints it can help the process of brainstorming ideas and help to encourage new ideas and innovative thinking. Ideas can be evaluated and validated and built upon to find a solution which would otherwise take longer or not happen at all without collaboration. This also applies to problem solving where multiple people’s ideas are more likely to find solutions and faster resolutions to challenges.
Very often where staff work alone, they don’t get to see the big picture. Working together presents the chance to view other aspects of the company and ongoing projects. It also provides opportunities to work with other staff members with different opinions, insights, and areas of expertise. This can then open staff up to a broader perspective and new ways of thinking.
Work Quality
As we bring together people to combine their expertise and challenge them to come up with ideas and find solutions, it can encourage them to “raise their game” to find answers. As a result, the quality of any work produced is also likely to increase.
Company Culture
People like to collaborate and feel part of a team. Collaboration brings staff together, fosters a sense of inclusion and team spirit and helps them to feel connected to their company. When projects and tasks are shared, everyone becomes invested in the outcome. Research has shown that when employees feel a bond to their company, they are more motivated to participate in the workplace, they work better, and they also stay longer.
Feeling Valued
Collaboration is an ideal way to encourage staff to participate, input ideas and share insights. It allows everyone to be heard. In this way you can build individual and team morale, confidence, and job satisfaction as everyone feels valued. When staff feel valued, they are also more likely to be invested in their work.
Reduced Employee Turnover
Employee turnover is reduced when collaboration is part of a company’s culture. When staff feel valued and believe their contribution matters and makes a difference, they are far more likely to stay with a company.
Builds Connections
Where collaboration takes place there is an increased connection between staff and teams. Effective collaboration can bring people together and help nuture a bond. It can also help to foster a sense of team and company purpose. Where remote working is taking place collaboration can provide an important bridge between staff and help to make them feel included even when they are not in the office. It can also help to combat any feelings of isolation or loneliness.
Growth and Profitability
Deloitte found that businesses “companies that prioritise collaboration are also five times more likely to experience a considerable increase in employment, twice as likely to be profitable, and twice as likely to outgrow competitors”. They also found that “businesses that consider collaboration an important component of their overall business strategy were four times more likely to see growth in their bottom line.”
Incorporating Collaboration
Essentially your office design should be tailored towards your business, your processes, and your staff. In essence, the right office layout will depend on the specific needs and goals of your business. Collaborative workspaces require different types of office furniture. The type of furniture you will need should be carefully considered when it comes to the design of your office.
Utilising modular furniture can provide flexibility in being able to rearrange and reconfigure desks into different size work areas to accommodate different size groups and teams. Another option is to incorporate collaborative booths or pods where smaller team meetings can be accommodated. Soft seating and break out areas can provide multifunctional spaces that allow staff to take breaks as well as providing a place where collaboration can happen. These should all be considered and evaluated to understand what will work best for your business.
JBH Refurbishments, Experts In Office Design and Refurbishment
JBH Refurbishments have over 30+ years’ experience in office design and office refurbishment and fit outs. We understand the importance of collaborative spaces in the workplace. We can advise on all aspects of your Kent or London office refurbishment and tailor your office design and layout to your business needs. Contact us via our contact form or by calling us on 0333 207 0339 today for a free on-site consultation.