Do You Know The Difference Between Shell and Core, Cat A, Cat A+ and Cat B Office Fit Outs?

When it comes to the office fit out process there are a number of phrases and words used by office fit out contractors, that are important for landlords and tenants to understand. Four such terms are “Shell and Core”, “Cat A” (short for Category A), “Cat A+” and “Cat B” (short for Category B) office fit outs. In this article we look at what Shell and Core, Cat A, Cat A+ and Cat B office fitouts are, and which would best suit your business’s requirements.

What Is Shell and Core?

The Shell and Core fit out takes place before a Cat A, Cat A+ and Cat B fit out occurs.

From the outside a building may look complete but the interior is an empty shell with only a basic framework, usually made from steel and concrete. Interior walls won’t be decorated or painted, floors will be bare, and the ceiling won’t have lighting. There may be basic utilities, but these usually come at the Cat A or Cat B fit out stage.

Common areas like the entrance or reception area, stairs, elevators and toilets will be finished to a higher standard.

What Is A Cat A Office Fit Out?

The objective of a Cat A fit out is to enable the building landlord to get a building interior to “a blank canvas” stage so that they can rent the space to a tenant. Cat A acts as a bridge between Shell and Core and a functional office space and provides the essential elements and basic infrastructure required to make the space habitable, but it is otherwise empty. It sets the stage for the tenant to make the space their own; to design, furnish and decorate it to suit their own tastes and needs.

A Cat A fit out can include some or all of the following:

  • Essential wiring, power and basic lighting fixtures.
  • Basic air conditioning and ventilation, fire detection system including smoke detectors, fire alarms and sprinklers (depending on office space size).
  • Suspended or raised ceilings.
  • Basic flooring finished to an industrial standard.
  • Walls ready for decoration.
  • Toilet, washroom and shower facilities.
  • General reception areas.

In essence a Cat A fit out of an office space is the step before customisation. It provides the tenant with the opportunity to design the space to “showcase” their business and put their own mark on the space.

Who Does A Cat A Office Fit Out Suit?

For landlords and property owners a Cat A fit out brings an office space up to a standard so that it is market-ready and can be leased.

Any companies looking to make an office space their own by designing it to fulfil their branding and staff and business requirements will find an office space fitted to Cat A standards is the perfect foundation to build on. A Cat A fit out provides the flexibility that many businesses need to enable them to design their office layout in whatever way will work best for their business processes and staff needs.

A Cat A fit out is also cheaper and allows the tenant to control what is spent on the full office design and fit out.

What Is A Cat B Office Fit Out?

A Cat B fit out needs to be designed and tailored to suit a business’s needs to bring an office space to life!

There are numerous elements that a tenant needs to consider with their office fitout contractor when designing their new office space so that the space goes from a generic space to a fully customised “ready to move into” space. This includes everything from colour schemes to office layouts to whether individual office space, open plan or a combination or both are required; how many offices or desk spaces, meeting rooms and breakout areas are needed, where a kitchen or tea point area can be situated and whether a reception desk or client meeting space could be helpful. Power, lighting and IT solutions as well as furniture, fixtures and fittings will also need to be considered.

A Cat B fit out can include some or all of the following:

  • Design and branding including customised colour schemes, artwork and graffiti.
  • Specialised lighting, air conditioning, heating and ventilation solutions.
  • IT infrastructure and installation including video conferencing and mobile working facilities.
  • Floor finishes including high quality carpet and wood.
  • Partitioning to provide the designed office layout including private office space, meeting rooms, breakout spaces, kitchen and reception area.
  • Fitted kitchen and tea point areas or dining facilities.
  • Custom furniture either chosen or designed to work with company branding and aesthetics.
  • Any other individual facilities that the business is providing such as showers, gym or relaxation areas.

Who Does A Cat B Office Fit Out Suit?

A Cat B office fit out space is suited to any businesses that is looking to customise the design of a workspace to meet their specific needs. Everything about the office space is geared towards their business once the Cat B fit out is complete. It allows the business to move in and immediately start working in a way that suits their business ethos, processes and staff requirements.

Many businesses see a Cat B fit out as an investment in their company as taking care of employee health and wellbeing through the customisation of their office space can in turn lead to increased productivity and ROI.

Planning Your Cat B Office Fit Out

A Cat B office fit requires time and planning. The first step in the planning process is to carefully consider your office requirements to ensure your final office fit out will meet your business objectives and the needs of your staff. You should review and assess various factors including the number of staff you have now and are likely to have in the longer term if you plan to expand which will help you decide how much space you’ll require in terms of workstations.  

Next look at your business processes to determine the best layout for your office space. This will depend on the nature of your business and whether privacy is a priority, if you have teams that need to work together and if specific teams need to be in close proximity. You’ll also need to factor meeting rooms, breakout areas, kitchen and tea points, other communal areas and storage areas. It’s also important when considering layout to think about how to minimise noise especially where an open plan design is being considered.

Your design also needs to cover power and IT infrastructure requirements as well as branding, colour scheme, furniture and fixtures and fittings.

Once you know your requirements it’s a good idea to involve an office fit out company who will be able to bring their expertise to bear to determine the right options for your fit out, the budget that will be required and a timeline of how quickly the work required to turn your blank canvas into a working office space, ensuring a successful project that’s on time and to budget.

Cat A+, A New Fit Out Concept

Up until recently there was a clear separation between Cat A and Cat B office fit outs. Landlords would fit out a space to Cat A standards and then a tenant would take the process through a Cat B fit out to customise it to their own individual needs. However, over the last few years, landlords have recognised that there is another market opening up which where companies are looking to move straight into fully furnished office space separate from other businesses (unlike co-working spaces which are shared spaces). As a consequence, a new fit out option has become more readily available, known as a Cat A+ fit out.

The major difference between Cat A, Cat B and Cat A+ is that it is the landlord is offering a designed and furnished office space that is ready to go, usually on a shorter-term contract which can provide the flexibility many smaller businesses are looking for. Tenants can move straight into the space without having to wait for the space to be designed and furnished. All design elements and furniture are already present and fully functional. It’s a finished product that requires no additional work from the tenant.

Who Does A Cat A+ Fitted Office Space Suit?

A Cat A+ office fitout can be an ideal scenario for both landlords and tenants.

Landlords may decide Cat A+ is right for them as it allows them to lease offices spaces faster as they can take full control of the fit out of their building, making the decisions they feel will make the most sense for their property market instead of having to wait to find a tenant who wants to take on the design and fit out of the space. With the growing demand for short-term contracts landlords can also charge more over the same period that they would for a long-term contract.

In the case of tenants, a completely furnished office space which meets all of their needs can be a more cost-effective option as they don’t have to pay to have the office space designed and fitted out which can take up both their time and focus. As a Cat A+ office comes fully furnished office furniture also doesn’t need to be purchased.

With a traditional contract the lease covenant is likely to state that the tenant is responsible for dilapidation works to restore the property to its original state. In the case of Cat A+ this responsibility doesn’t apply.

Short term contracts can also provide more flexibility for tenants as they’re not tied into a long-term contract which comes with a large financial commitment.

Cat A+ gives businesses a workspace that’s their own but comes ready to go unlike co-working spaces which are ready to move into but don’t provide the privacy many businesses are looking for.

Although we’ve outlined Shell and Core, Cat A, Cat B as separate entities it’s important to note that this is not set in stone but provides an overview of the accepted understanding within the construction and fit out industry. Sometimes Shell and Core will be fitted out to Cat A standards and there can be a cross over between Cat A and Cat B fit outs. It’s therefore important to question what’s included in any fit out process.

Deciding Which Type of Office Fit Out is Right For Your Business

The various types of available office fit out are outlined above. Businesses need to look at their individual requirements, their business processes and staff needs to understand which type of office fit will best suit their needs.

If you’re looking to walk straight into an office space without having to spend any time  evaluating the space, designing it and fitting it out and are happy to sign a short lease contract, a Cat A+ (or co-working space), depending on your level of need for privacy, will be your best option. If on the other hand you’re looking for a space that you can put your mark on and customise to your branding, layout and design standards and you have the time to invest in working with an office fit out specialist and are happy to commit to a long-term contract then a Cat B fit out will be your best option.

JBH Refurbishments, Experts In Office Design, Fit Out and Refurbishment

JBH Refurbishments have over 30+ years experience in cat a and cat b office fit out,  office design and office refurbishments. We can provide the right expertise for your Kent or London office refurbishment. From your brief, to putting together a project plan, to developing your office design and layout to delivering your office fit out JBH Refurbishments will provide the right expertise and peace of mind for your project. You can contact us via our contact page or by calling us on 0333 207 0339 today for a free on-site consultation.

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